Adam Richardson's Site

Alpine Linux Notes

Table of Contents

<2022-05-01 Sun>



  • Once booted into the live cd login with root, there is no password
  • Use the setup-alpine command to start the automated installer
  • For keyboard layout type us
  • For the keyboard variant type us
  • Set the hostname
  • Default the network device using dhcp
  • Set the root password
  • Set your timezone, for example America/Kentucky/Louisville
  • Select the disk you would like to use for the install
  • Select crypt first followed by sys
  • Input the password you wish to encrypt the drive with
  • The system will then be installed
  • Type reboot to use the new system

Package Management

  • The package manager in alpine linux is apk
  • Use the add sub command to install a package, apk add sudo
  • Use apk search to find a package
  • Use the del sub command to remove a package

Service management

  • Alpine uses openrc init system
  • The rc-service command has three sub commands, stop, start, and status
    • The format for using it is rc-service <SERVICE_NAME> <SUB_COMMAND>
  • Enabling and disabling of services is handled with rc-update
  • When you enable a service you need to specify which runlevel it is going to operate under
  • To view all the services running and their runlevels use rc-update show -v
  • In addition to show rc-update has two command sub commands, add and delete
    • The format for using rc-update is like this: rc-update <SUB_COMMAND> <SERVICE_NAME> <RUN_LEVEL>

Setup a User

  • This example creates a user adduser -h /home/<USER> -s /bin/ash <USER>, this will prompt you for the password
  • To give the user sudo access do the following:
    • Install sudo with apk add sudo
    • Create a sudoers file for the wheel group, echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/wheel
    • Add the newly created user to the wheel group, adduser <USER> wheel

Basic Packages

  • This installs basic packages that I like to have on a system
apk add mg git make gcc g++ tmux

Setting up a GUI

  • Run setup-xorg-base to install the needed GPU drivers
  • Add the user to the input and video groups, adduser <USER> input, adduser <USER> video
    • You might need to log out and log in for this to take effect
  • Install a few ttf fonts, apk add ttf-hack ttf-dejavu
  • Install the appropriate GPU driver either Intel, AMD or QXL (QEMU)


  • Install the driver with, apk add xf86-video-modesetting
  • Ensure the host is setup with the virtio video driver
  • Also set the listen type on Display Spice to none


  • Install the video driver, apk add xf86-video-amdgpu
  • Install the firmware, apk add linux-firmware-amdgpu
  • Install mesa, apk add mesa-dri-gallium
  • Update the KMS setting:
    • Add amdgpu to the kernel modules, echo amdgpu >> /etc/modules
    • Add fbcon to the kernel modules, echo fbcon >> /etc/modules
    • Install mkinitfs, apk add mkinitfs
    • Add kms to the features list in the /etc/mkinitfs/mkinitfs.conf
    • Run mkinitfs and reboot


  • Install needed libraries, apk install libx11-dev libxft-dev ncurses libxinerama-dev adwaita-icon-theme dbus-x11
  • Clone dwm, git clone
  • Build dwm with make && make install
  • Clone dmenu, git clone
  • Build dmenu with make && make install
  • Clone st, git clone
  • Build st with make && make install
  • Create a .xinitrc and add the line exec dwm
  • Create a .profile and add the line startx
  • Log out and log back in and dwm should start

Building Emacs

  • Install dependencies, apk add autoconf texinfo gtk+3.0-dev libxpm-dev giflib-dev gnutls-dev ncurses-dev gawk
  • Clone emacs with git clone -b <BRANCH> git://
  • Run autogen to create configure ./
  • Configure emacs with ./configure
  • Compile emacs with make -j<NUMBER_OF_CORES+1>
  • The busybox awk is not compatible with the install scripts. We need to tell make install to use gawk instead, AWK=gawk sudo make install